- Sarah Rahman | IX - D (EM-DS)

What if this is the end of the solar system and the universe? And like that it began A rouge planet was discovered by an astronomer of NASA strange enough they found it orbiting our solar system with extreme force and speed. Little did they know what this planet would bring. The astronomers kept doing research about that planet and astonishingly they discovered that day by day the planet kept coming closer towards the sun. it was soon found that there was a habitat living in that planet but what kind of being was living there they could not understand. Some said it was aliens but who knows what they are the astronomers kept their research ongoing.
Let’s come to the track a young (don’t know what to say so just say man) so, a young man living on that rouge planet{AB50078x}gave the news to their president that they are successfully coming nearby to the star of our solar system. All they wanted was to make this whole solar system theirs and they want to rule it also another reason is they need to clear this space where our solar system is to fly their spaceship without any trouble.
Back in the earth some are thinking it’s the doomsday coming some thing it might be an astronomical phenomenon. But the astronomers have made a guess that it may hit out planet and when they published it in the newspapers the internet and in the tv’s. soon chaos started among the peoples that what they are going to do now. Some super wealthy rich peoples started calling the space stations to find a suitable planet where they can shift to.
The aliens on the other hand are taking steps to demolish some of the planets such as mars, Venus, mercury and Jupiter to make a way for a new hyperspace bypass for the spaceships. The beings living in AB50078x launched the spaceships in the sky and soon after loud bangs and blasts could be heard all over the earth and some of the rocks of those planets came landing on the surface of the earth. The earth was shaking abruptly but luckily it crashed in the oceans so no people died but water started rising up in the surface of the lands. Now the people started to worry more and started think what is going to happen next can they survive this or was this the end of mankind.
The construction of the hyperspace bypass was done now their next target was to get control of the humanoid species. They started to invade the earth for few days they did not come in front of the public but soon after they showed themselves and another chaos started the astronomers thought some people might be doing cosplay but no, they are real space species in one-word ALIENS👽. They announced that they are going to rule over us now and if we deny them, they are going to destroy us like the did to other planets.
In the beginning I said about a young man from the planet AB50078x he was initially an alien but he could transform himself into a humanoid species unlike others. Because of that he could simply mix with the humans. Like that he could get the latest news what was it like and what was going on in the earth.
The aliens had their own sort of special drink you can say called the Gagal blaster which had a tase of slicing our brain with a lime in half. Super sourly taste that a human could not tolerate. And to the space species it is nothing they drink it up to 5 to 6 times a day! The president of AB50078x Sakwasiku vedriminokisa the 18th was almost a century old. Funny enough he had a twin not really a twin its just that it was his part o body he had 2 heads umm among them only one was the president and another a common civil. His appearance shocked everyone in earth they said, ‘’ how could a two head be our modern generation’s ruler eww!’’ Siosimavicina the alien in disguise in the mortal world is currently attacking on peoples specially the astronomers and scientists so they can not help the humans to escape by any ways from them. The spacious drink was used to torture the humans because they could not tolerate the sourness which was extreme.
The planet AB50078x was coming more closer and closer towards the sun day by day if we calculate it would be only half a million kilometer away from the sun the aliens were not concerned of this. All the were doing was invading the earth. Soon the aliens started killing peoples out of fun the AI inventions of humans were no match for them. At some point they were killing hundreds in a day including animals.
NASA gave out a horrible news that the persons the aliens were murdering were attacked by a virus a deadly virus deadlier then covid-19 and even deadlier than zombie apocalypse. The were transforming them selves from hour to hour. The dead bodies were all being locked up in labs and chambers so human could not come in contact with then a slightest touch in the skin can make them fall victim to the virus. The true from of the virus was yet not known by the scientists. The aliens came to know about this infection and the spread of virus. Now it was more fun to them but because of the order from the president to not kill any human and animals stopped them. The scientist found that if the burned the dead bodies and buried then deep inside the earth the virus will not spread as human would not come in contact with it. For time being the spread of that unknown virus was stopped.
Suddenly one day the space species noticed that they were coming really close to the sun and absorbing the energy of the sun violently and the planet was heating up continuously. They added force to the opposite direction but the sun’s gravitational force was pulling the planet with great force. They were worried now that if this continues their planet is going to hit the sun and they were also most likely disappearing if this happens. Within the next few hours, it was done the planet AB50078x hit the sun with all its force a loud explosion happened the explosion made everything dark and no light was seen. Within a week the temperature of the earth went down to -71 degrees which was completely not suitable for habitat to live the plants died there were shortage of oxygen the humans could not survive it they were al extinct. Only one of them survived by going with the aliens in disguise to another planet they found which was habitable for both the species. It was a new journey for the humanoid species but was this the really the end? Till then yes but what comes next was not known.