- Arham Mobarat | XI - A (BM-DS)

I am Austine Wells, a professional engineer. I have been experiencing a recurring dream lately where I find myself walking by an abandoned house in my hometown. The house appears unremarkable, but it sits on a vast expanse of land measuring over 10,000 square feet. During these dreams, I often hear a baby crying, but when I turn back, the sound seems to vanish. Sometimes, I even find myself exploring the interior of the building, and although I don’t see anything, I feel a presence nearby. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to these dreams, but they became so vivid that I couldn’t ignore them anymore.
Concerned, I visited a renowned psychiatrist named Viktor Franki. According to Viktor, dreams can reveal suppressed memories and emotions. He suggested that I explore my hometown and investigate the abandoned house in my dreams. I had a clear recollection of the house, and since I was also an accomplished artist, I drew a sketch of it.
When I reached my hometown, I showed the drawing to some of the locals to see if they recognized the house. One elderly resident informed me that the house had been demolished long before I was born, and there was a rumor that a ghost used to live inside it. The villagers had voted for the house’s demolition, and it was during the process that a loud noise echoed throughout the village, which piqued my interest.
When I reported this to Viktor, he speculated that I may have seen the memories of one of my ancestors. I became increasingly intrigued by this idea and set to work building a machine that could help me explore my dreams more deeply. Drawing on my engineering expertise, I recorded my brainwaves while dreaming and built a device that could force my brain to remain on the same wavelength for an extended period. I also incorporated a safety mechanism that would stop the device if my heart rate became too high, indicating danger. Additionally, I included a timer to ensure I didn’t get trapped in the dream world indefinitely.
Armed with my device, I prepared myself for the journey, with Viktor by my side for support. As soon as I fell asleep, I was transported into my dream world and could move around freely. While exploring, I encountered my ancestor who took me to the abandoned house, where I heard the sound of a crying infant, just like in my dreams. The ancestor went inside the building to investigate and discovered a small, non-human creature lying on the floor. Although the creature wasn’t human, it had some human-like qualities, including the ability to cry like a baby. The ancestor was moved by the creature’s distress and decided to care for it secretly.
Suddenly a few years had passed in the memories and all the memories of taking care of the alien flashed infront of me. As time passed, the creature grew significantly and acquired extraordinary abilities, such as teleportation, super-speed, and super-strength. It also displayed remarkable intelligence and could learn anything in a short period. However, after a few years, the creature revealed that it was from another universe and was eager to explore beyond this world. Despite his sadness, the ancestor agreed to let the creature leave but asked for a favor in return: the power to communicate with the creature whenever he desired. The creature granted this request by gifting the ancestor the power to bend space and time. He talked with the alien whenever he had time but it seemed like he had passed away due to an uncurable disease. But the powers that the alien had given him passed down to his offspring. The power allowed his offspring to look into the futuristic ideas in their dream and the family utilized them. So consequently, the family became incredibly wealthy. Since I had inherited the same powers as my ancestor, I was able to access this memory in my dreams. Upon waking, I shared my story with Viktor, who was not surprised but instead encouraged me to attempt to communicate with the alien.
Intrigued by the idea, I focused my mind on the alien’s image from the dream. After several minutes of concentration, I felt a shift and suddenly found myself standing in a room before the alien. He recognized me as a descendant
The alien conveyed to me that he had ventured out on numerous occasions in search of my ancestor, albeit with no success. Unbeknownst to him, my ancestor had already passed away when he attempted to locate him within the abandoned house. It is plausible that the noise he produced instilled fear in the nearby populace. Each time he came to look for him in the abandoned house he tried to talk with other people but the became very scared of him and ran away. Hence he was the so called ghost of the abandoned house. Being consumed by fear the villagers demolished the abandoned house. But when the alien saw his memorable house being destroyed he became over raged and let out a sky shaking scream. Which the villagers heard and told me about. It appears that the alien was sick, and he informed me of his impending demise and the fact that his powers would perish with him. As a token of appreciation for visiting him during his last days, he bestowed upon me the permanent ability to manipulate space and time, which would be inherited by my offspring and extended family. He also disclosed that he had covertly watched over our kin by taking control of the minds of some of our trusted acquaintances, Victor being a prime example. I expressed my gratitude for all that he had done, and his final request was to be buried where he had initially been discovered, within the abandoned house. Subsequently, he expired, and I procured the plot where he was unearthed and laid him to rest. This proved to be a valuable lesson, demonstrating that any benevolent deeds we perform for others or the environment will eventually benefit us as well.